Beautifl Lace Commandments - Preparing for your appointment

Thou shalt:

Buy a Quality Frontal

A good quality Lace Frontal is essential for a flawless melt. If you’re not sure, buy one of our Beautifl Hair Lace Frontals here or check out our Beautifl Lace Guide for tips. If you provide a poor quality Lace Frontal your stylist may choose not to style you to avoid a disappointing finish, which could result in your appointment being cancelled.

Choose the right colour Lace

Lace looks most natural when it matches the colour of your scalp. This is achieved by tinting the lace to match your complexion. Lace that that is lighter than your skin tone is fine as it can be tinted to match your skin tone. Lace that is darker than your skin tone can’t be tinted to match your complexion. If you provide the wrong colour lace your stylist may choose not to style you to avoid a disappointing finish, which could result in your appointment being cancelled. If you’re not sure, check our Beautifl Lace Guide  or buy a HD Lace Frontal. You can buy a Beautifl HD Lace Frontal here.

Send your hair on time

Most stylists require that hair is sent to them in 3-7 days in advance of your appointment to give them time to customise the Lace and make your wig.

Arrive with Sparkly Clean Hair

Unless you’ve agreed with your stylist hat they’ll wash your hair or it’s included in your service, please ensure that your hair is freshly washed, clean and dried when you arrive. If your service doesn’t include a wash, your stylist may refuse to style damp hair or hair that is unwashed (including cornrows and any Bundles that you are re-using).

Arrive with flat Cornrows/Braids

Stylists will need a flat base on which to install your Lace Wig. If your service doesn’t include cornrows (and you haven’t included cornrows as an Add-On), please ensure that when you arrive your hair is cornrowed/braided flat (preferably all backwards) or is cut to a very low length (no higher than grade 3). If your service doesn’t include cornrows and your hair isn’t cornrowed when you arrive, your stylist is entitled to cancel your appointment and charge you a cancellation fee.

Thou shall not:

Bring a Party

For everyone’s safety and comfort, please do not bring guests to your appointment unless you have specifically arranged a group booking.


Do provide your stylist as much notice as possible of cancellations or rescheduling. Stylists’ slots are much sought after and if you are unable to attend, let the stylist know so another beauty can potentially take the slot. 

Be silent about having a low hairline

Speak up! If you have a hairline that is low on your forehead (less than 3 finger widths above your eyebrows), it is more difficult to install lace Frontals on your forehead (without the Lace ending up on your eyebrows!). Unless you’ve specifically agreed with your stylist that a Lace  Frontal can be installed, if you have a low hairline, opt for a Lace Closure instead. If you’re unsure about your hairline, find out more in our Beautifl Lace Guide.

Be Late

Please try to arrive to your appointment 10 minutes early. Stylists often have several appointments in a day and have scheduled their appointments to make sure they can give each of you the best possible service within your allocated timeframe.